Friday, June 19, 2009

He Said/She Said Lesson 03: He Explains (Handouts)

Did you miss Lesson 3, or want to hear it again? Want to follow along with the podcast? Download the handouts by clicking the link above, or clicking here:

If you made it to class but missed an answer or two, here is the same handout with the answers filled in:

He Said/She Said Lesson 03: He Explains

God says what he means. But do we KNOW what he means? How can we? This week, we'll look at the most basic and simple rule for understanding Scripture: using other Scripture. Don't miss this foundational look at how to study the Bible.

You can click the title above to listen to the podcast, or subscribe to "Sparks Fly" using iTunes, your web browser, or another podcast listener:

Friday, June 12, 2009

He Said/She Said Lesson 02: He Rules (Handouts)

Did you miss Lesson 2, or want to hear it again? Want to follow along with the podcast? Download the handouts by clicking the link above, or clicking here:

If you made it to class but missed an answer or two, here is the same handout with the answers filled in:

He Said/She Said Lesson 02: He Rules

Jesus is in heaven with God. So does he look the same? Is he still lowly and without reputation? And what does any of this have to do with us? What are the implications of who Jesus is today?

You can click the title above to listen to the podcast, or subscribe to "Sparks Fly" using iTunes, your web browser, or another podcast listener:

Monday, June 8, 2009

He Said/She Said Lesson 01: He Speaks (Handouts)

Did you miss the opening lesson of our new series? Want to follow along with the podcast? Download the handouts by clicking the link above, or clicking here:

If you made it to class but missed an answer or two, here is the same handout with the answers filled in:

He Said/She Said Lesson 01: He Speaks

Jesus does speak, and the implications of that are simply mind-blowing. But what does Jesus say? And how do we hear him today? Find out in the first lesson of our new series, He Said/She Said.

You can click the title above to listen to the podcast, or subscribe to "Sparks Fly" using iTunes, your web browser, or another podcast listener:

Sunday, June 7, 2009

My prayer for Sparks Fly

God, it’s Sunday morning again, and I confess that I’m tired, and would love nothing more than crawling back into bed. So it’s at times like this that I thank you for the people you lay on me, that weigh on me, so heavily.

In a few hours, I’ll see those people. And God, my tendency is to start rattling them off, and wondering who will come and who won’t; it’s to count and measure and judge by appearance and things. Lord, forgive the shallowness that plagues me. Allow me today — and forever, but let’s just take today — to catch a glimpse of the joy you feel over just one sinner coming to you. Give me eyes to see the rejoicing you feel for just one of your children that draws closer to you through meeting with you today. God, remove the scaly, numerical, counting-based, shallow-minded, everything-is-about-headcount covering over my eyes that robs my joy.

Lord, I beg you to meet with us this morning. Today’s lesson is simple, but so important. I ask not that you’d make me an effective teacher, but that you would effectively teach. If that means we need the technical hijinks of last week to make a point, bring it on. But if you are best seen today by things going well — by the wireless working and the slides coming off as they should and the handouts being what they were intended to be — then I pray that all will go smoothly.

Most of all, Lord, tear down the curtain between your children in the chairs and your children at the head of the class. For the newest or most un-confident Christian, display the logical and rational way your Bible is laid out. Make it clear how to read Scripture, how to understand the context of a verse, and how a free online Bible program can reveal the life bound up in your word.

Lord, please get your glory today. I know that’s a silly prayer, so maybe it’s better said like this: Lord, please allow us to work toward your glory; please allow us to joy in you; please don’t look upon us today, and determine that you’ll have to work in spite of us once again. We recognize that we have nothing to offer, but we ask your Holy Spirit to awaken in us a desire to worship; a desire to see you rightly; a desire to pour our fleshly desires out and fill ourselves with your Spirit.

God, thank you for being gracious enough to allow us to meet with you. Bring those who need to hear you into our class today. Allow us to serve you well, and to display the manifold wisdom of Jesus.

It’s for your glorious name we pray, Jesus,


Friday, June 5, 2009

Scripture Interpretation Worksheet

This week in Sparks Fly, we're looking at how God explains his word to us. I've created a simple interpretation worksheet that you can use as a tool as you're reading Scripture, and trying to figure out what it means.

The link above will take you to the worksheet, as will this link. I've also created a version without the handwritten notes to remind you what things are, also available here.

As always, you can subscribe to this feed via iTunes, or just head over to

p.s. If you're waiting for Lessons 1 and 2 in this new series, we'll post those soon.